Sunday, February 9, 2014

Week 4 Reflection

This week we worked in our groups creating a rubric for students and teachers.  The goal as my part in the process was to monitor the work of the students to make sure that their ideas were present in the teacher rubrics.  I was really impressed with the work the students had done, all the groups had done a fantastic job analyzing different serious games.  I think that their ideas are very present and the teacher rubric reflects the work they  have done so far. 

The second part of this week looked at the book Teach Like a Pirate and student engagement.  I believe reading other people's blogs that we are all very passionate about creating engaging lessons.  I was skeptical of the twitter hour in the beginning of the course, but I have found it to be the most beneficial part of this course.  It gives us all a chance to bounce ideas off of each other and share thoughts with each other.  It is a time not wasted and it is where I get many ideas.  I look forward to trying new things in my classroom to get my students engage and active in their learning. 

1 comment:

  1. Agreed - the Twitter time makes me feel more connected to others in this class. The traditional Blackboard (or WebEx) format seems very "one to many" and lacks that "educator cocktail hour" feel.
