Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week 6 Reflection

  Looking back on the week and the influence of technology in my classroom, it is not to the level it could be.  There are many components that could play into this for my students, their lack of technology at home, my lack of knowledge when it comes different components of technology.  In one article I read one thing that resonates with me is if students are not using the internet to think critically and work collaboratively than we are just using technology to the teach the same way through a different medium.  The goal now is how to I move away from that and use technology for other things.  Reading others blogs it became clear how technology is being used in their classroom and with their students.  It was interesting to compare my students level of technology use compared to Shauna's class.  My students are still very much into the paper and pencil despite the effort to get them away from it, while Shauna's students love technology. 
   There was a common theme of comments and other blogs of technology and teaching.  Nicole makes a great comment in her blog about how her son teaches her about Minecraft while she teaches him how to teach.  I think this is a wonderful thought.   Teaching doesn't just come to students they have to see it being modeled for them.  Gary also made excellent comments about teaching and technology.  This idea was about students learning what is a good "teacher" through technology and what is a bad "teacher".  Through all this talk about technology we need to remember there are still people out there who will not be good teachers for students.  After this week it is clear that I need to examine how to better use of technology in my classroom.  I want my students to learn how to think critically and work collaborative and technology is a great way to do that. 

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